Foreign breeder info

Hi, my name is Marleen Gras and I breed rats since 2008. I live in Zaandam, near Amsterdam, in The Netherlands. My kids are a big help in my rattery, because they love to cuddle with the rats. Therefor every rat leaves my rattery 100% tame.
I own a European Breeding certificate (Vakbekwaamheid Overige Zoogdieren/BHVD) and I am a member of NFRS and Rodent Club Rattonia. My goal is to breed healthy, sweet rats, which are perfect to have as a pet. Besides that I have some breeding lines based on exterior:
- Blue: US blue, Russian blue, Russian Silver, US platinum and English blue
- C-Locus: Black eyed Siamese, Golden siamese, burmese
- Pearl: mink, mink pearl/Dark Phased Pearl, double mink, pearl
- Essex: in chocolate and blue
I also have harley and silvermane in my lines. My harleys have a very thick fur which stays good, when getting older. No lactation problems known.
It is possible to reserve breeding rats, but I am not selling to every breeder who subscribes. I did that before and my animals weren't used the right way or didn't get to live the life they deserved.
Prices for foreign breeders are as follows:
- standard or velveteen fur: € 35,-
- harley: € 40,-
- golden siamese: € 50,-
- essex: € 45,-
Breeding rats come with a pedigree. Payment can be done through Paypal. Transport costs are for the buyer, I often attend to Exoknaag Houten so picking up there is also possible.